Here, you will find our practice areas with service descriptions. Videos of Erin or Dan providing an overview about each topic are linked in the additional information sections along with any checklists or additional forms.

Please complete the "Welcome to the Office" form and bring it with you to your first appointment. If you are contemplating other services listed below, please complete the appropriate form(s), to the best of your ability and bring them with you.

Estate Planning

  • With careful estate planning, a client’s property passes to the right person(s), in the right way, and at the right time. Planning avoids many of the costs associated with the distribution of these assets without an estate plan in place.

    While estate plans usually include wills and trusts, we will examine all the options available to best meet your needs.

Life Care Planning

  • Our goal is to help you maximize quality of life. Life care planning is about helping you stay healthy, receiving appropriate medical care, and maintaining an overall safe living environment. To help formulate a plan that makes sense for you, we also stay apprised of the benefit programs that may provide additional income or reduce the cost of care, such as Medicaid and VA Aid & Attendance.

    We believe this approach will help you preserve your assets by making the best use of the resources available to you.

VA Benefits

  • Many government benefits are available to veterans, their family members, or surviving spouses. One of the main benefits we focus on is the VA Pension, commonly referred to as Aid & Attendance, which can help pay for care in your home, a skilled nursing facility, an assisted living facility, and, at times, an independent living facility. We can help determine your eligibility for these benefits.

    An introductory guide to veteran’s benefits can be found in the online forms section of the site.

Medicaid Planning

  • If you need healthcare services but cannot afford them, you may be eligible to receive benefits from MO HealthNet, Missouri’s Medicaid program. Benefits are paid directly to your healthcare provider for the services received.

    Worried that you will not be able to pay for care if your health declines? Concerned that your care will consume all of your life savings? Scared that your spouse will run out of assets paying for your care?

    If you plan ahead, we can help alleviate your fears and make 
sure you will be eligible for MO HealthNet assistance when the 
time comes.

Probate & Trust Administration

  • Even if estate planning is in place, things can be difficult after 
your loved one has died. Certain procedures must be followed to settle their estate, depending on what had been prepared during their lifetime.

    Just because you have been named to handle your loved one’s estate does not mean you need to go through it alone. If there are probate assets, we can guide you through the probate court process. If your family member created a trust, we can help administer the trust to ensure that all assets are distributed according to your loved one’s wishes.


  • Guardians are appointed for a variety of reasons. For example, a guardian for a child under the age of 18 is responsible for the child’s education, travel, medical treatment, and general well-being.

    As an adult incapacitated due to health conditions, a guardian may be needed to make decisions for you. We will help you make sure the best individual is appointed guardian and guide you through the court process.

Special Needs Trust

  • If you or a family member has a disability and depend(s) on benefits from a variety of programs, a special needs trust may be right for you.

    These trusts extend more protection than other types of planning. A special needs trust may hold an unlimited amount of assets for a disabled person while still allowing that person to be eligible for benefits such as Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid.

Personal Injury

  • Due to the negligence of someone else, you may be able to pursue a personal injury claim. The injury may cause you to incur pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost earnings.

    Whether the injury is caused by negligence in a nursing facility or by a medical provider, we can help advocate to protect your interests and get the compensation you deserve.

Social Security